Monday, May 26, 2014

Indexed Views | Creating and Optimizing Views in SQL Server | InformIT

Indexed Views | Creating and Optimizing Views in SQL Server | InformIT

Looks like not is all that simple with indexed views.
If we are using Standard Edition, then indexed views will be used only when we specifically use SELECT with NOEXPAND hint

Enterprise edition's query optimizer decides himself whether to use data in the indexed view, or in its underlying tables, depending on what is faster for him.

In the Standard edition, however, it doesn't bother and goes to underlying tables right away, unless you add this NOEXPAND hint.

At least this is my understanding of the articles below.

Improving Performance with SQL Server 2005 Indexed Views

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Converting CSV files into XML files using PowerShell

At work I have to  resort sometimes to PowerShell to provide a quick solution to a problem.

For example, I had to do some CSV conversions and manipulations, which seemed to be easier done in PowerShell rather than in SQL Server.

1. I will document here a CSV to XML file conversion, which looked to me short and sweet:

Idea inspired from

#create xml file - export_xml 
$file = "C:\tmp\file.csv"
$fileoutxml = "C:\tmp\file.xml"
$xml=Import-Csv $file -Delimiter ";" -Header "c1","c2","c3" |
 foreach { " <row c1=
`"{0}`" c2=`"{1}`" c3=`"{2}`"/>`n" -f
 $_.c1,$_.c2,$_.c3 } 

$xml="<export key_field=`"c1`">`n " + $xml + "</export>" | Out-File $fileoutxml -Encoding UTF8 

2. and a replace with Regular Expressions:
here, I am first replacing ; by | and trimming up the data at the same time
and then changing the swapping the order of the two last columns. it is important that $2$1 is surrounded by single quotes - script stops working if we use double quotes for some reason.

(Get-Content $file ) |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "(\s*;\s*)", -replace "(?<=^[^|]*\|[^|]*)(\|[^|]*)(\|[^|]*$)", '$2$1'; } |
Set-Content $
fileout -Encoding Unicode

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

C# supporting different versions of SQL Server with same application

I had to write a piece of code that would work for both SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2014

There were several issues - first of them is how to include two versions of the same assembly (Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS v.10 and v.12) in the same project.

This was solved with extern alias after following instructions in this article:

Then there was a problem of ILMerge.exe which stopped working with extern alias complaining that "Unresolved assembly reference not allowed". I had to ditch ILMerge and use an alternative method described here -

Then I had to use reflection to maintain same code for both versions. All compiled and worked well until I tried the application on a server which really had a single version of SQL Server - 2008 R2.

I started getting the very obscure "Object reference not set to instance of an object" exception just before entering the function that used reflection.

 As it turns out you have to separate the code that uses a possibly missing library in a separate function and then all will work as it is supposed to.

Here is the code:

using dtr120 = DTS120::Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime; 
using dtr100 = DTS100::Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime; 

//DTS120 and DTS100 are extern aliases of two different versions of the library 

//generic method
LoadPackage<T>(string sDTSPatch)

this doesn't work:

if (is120) //if 2014
   bFlag = LoadPackage<dtr120.Application>(sDTSPatch);
else if (is100)  //if 2008 R2
   bFlag = LoadPackage<dtr100.Application>(sDTSPatch);

but this works:

protected bool Load120(string sDTSPatch)
  return LoadPackage

protected bool Load100(string sDTSPatch)
  return LoadPackage


if (is120) //if 2014  
    bFlag = Load120(sDTSPatch);
else if (is100) //if 2008 R2
    bFlag = Load100(sDTSPatch);


I forgot to mention that you would have to automate refreshing of .dll files into the root project directory. EmbeddedResourse dll files work only if they are in the root of the project directory

I did it by writing a Pre-build event

if $(ConfigurationName) == Release (
echo f | xcopy /F /Q /Y $(ProjectDir)ProjectX\bin\Release\ProjectX.dll $(ProjectDir)ProjectX.dll
echo f | xcopy /F /Q /Y $(ProjectDir)ProjectY\bin\Release\ProjectY.dll $(ProjectDir)ProjectY.dll)

if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug (
echo f | xcopy /F /Q /Y $(ProjectDir)ProjectX\bin\Debug\ProjectX.dll $(ProjectDir)ProjectX.dll
echo f | xcopy /F /Q /Y $(ProjectDir)ProjectY\bin\Debug\ProjectY.dll $(ProjectDir)ProjectY.dll)