Tuesday, June 10, 2014

sp_MSforeachdb procedure to iterate through each database

Handy SQL Server system stored procedure to iterate through each databse on a server. I used to get a list of all databases that have sysssislog table present

DECLARE @DB TABLE (DBName sysname);
EXEC sp_msforeachdb 'select ''?'' from [?].sys.tables t WHERE t.name = ''sysssislog'''
WHERE DBName NOT IN ('master','tempdb','model','msdb')

The undocumented sp_MSforeachdb procedure

Thursday, June 5, 2014

PowerShell: Importing CSV into SQL Server


I was working on the CSV import script in PowerShell, following the first example in the article above: Simple CSV Import using PowerShell.

I had to use Out-DataTable function  from here:
Simple CSV Import using PowerShell
Simple CSV Import using PowerShell
Simple CSV Import using PowerShell

to get DataTable from CSV file. This part worked very well.

But then I started getting an issue at the bulk insert - "The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type int of the specified target column."

After some time of looking for the culprit data row, I realized that this error happens when we try to insert an empty value in the int column.

Thus, I had to change the Out-DataTable function in the following way:


     $DR.Item($property.Name) = $property.value


if($property.value -eq "")
        $DR.Item($property.Name) = $null
         $DR.Item($property.Name) = $property.value

now, Bulk Insert is satisfied and inserts NULLs when the data is not available in the CSV

Simple CSV Import using PowerShell

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

PowerShell: searching in the first 2 levels of the directory

Let's say you need to find a certain folder in the Directory, but you don't want to go deeper than 2 or 3 levels in your search?

Obviously, we will have to use get-childitem

However, -recurse option cannot help, since it has no stopping limit - it will recurse to the bottom of the directory

Here is a solution that I found that's short and simple, just the way I like it:

$search1 = "C:\temp\*"
$search2 = "C:\temp\*\*"
$search3 = "C:\temp\*\*\*"

$folders =  Get-ChildItem  -path $search1, $search2, $search3 | where-object {$_.PSIscontainer -and $_.name.StartsWith("Blue")}


Monday, June 2, 2014

Continue SSIS Package execution after failure and ignoring the error

Finally found what I needed to avoid SSIS from failing the package and ignoring the error in the Task:


Just one tiny hidden System variable "Propagate" was able to resolve my issue on custom error handling in the SSIS Package.