Monday, August 15, 2016

XML to JSON and JSON to XML converter online

XML to JSON and JSON to XML converter online

C# - comparing version numbers

I wasted some time this morning writing my own version comparer, trying to write something short and smart that would be able to compare, if, for example,

version 4.56.7 is greater than version

turns out C# already has a lib for that :

It can take up to 4 dot-separated components - major, minor, build, and revision.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

SSRS Reporting Services - Site Settings security with PowerShell

Handy little PowerShell to automate adding a User or a Group to Site Settings of SSRS 2008 R2:

$rs = New-WebServiceProxy -uri "http://server/reportserver/ReportService2010.asmx?WSDL" -UseDefaultCredential -namespace "ReportingService2010" -class Reporting

$existingpolicies = $rs.GetSystemPolicies()
$Policy = New-Object -TypeName "ReportingService2010.Policy"
$Roles = @()
$Role = New-Object -TypeName "ReportingService2010.Role"
$Role.Name = "System User"
$Roles += $Role
$Policy.Roles = $Roles
$Policy.GroupUserName = "DOMAIN\USERORGROUP"

$PolicyAlreadyExists = $false

$existingpolicies | Foreach-Object{
if ($_.GroupUserName -eq "DOMAIN\USERORGROUP")
{$PolicyAlreadyExists = $true} }

$Policies = @($existingpolicies)

$Policies += $Policy

if(-not $PolicyAlreadyExists)

based on

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Capturing output from external commands in PowerShell

Great article on running external commands from PowerShell:

Especially useful - information on capturing output from external commands in PowerShell:

for example:

& schtasks /END /TN $TaskName | Tee-Object -Variable scriptOutput | Out-Null Write-Host $scriptOutput

Monday, April 25, 2016

Toggle Visibility Show As Expanded + – in SSRS

Very helpful post that describes how to set the group to be expanded by default and so that the signs are shown correctly (+ and -)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Connecting to SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher in SSRS 2016 RC2

I was struggling a bit with connecting to SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher in SSRS 2016 RC2. When I wanted to load data from Data Sets that are created in SSRS, I had to connect to SSRS first. I was presented with a very laconic UI, and I had to struggle with a couple of errors, without seeing any details of what was wrong.

Now, I eventually figured out that Server Address, apparently expects the URL of this type:


and Username and Password are your Domain accounts and "Use secure connection" must be unchecked!


Only then it started working, and I was able to see my DataSets and Data Sources.