Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Developing Custom SSIS Data Flow Component: helpful links

Great resource to start with. A sample source code is also available for download.

How to work with Connections

Debugging Custom component

1. Component Project in DEBUG mode
2. register .dll in GAC and copy it in the DTS\PipelineComponents
3. in SSIS project: breakpoint on Pre-Execute of the Data Flow Task. Wait till we hit breakpoint
4. in Component project - Debug - > Attach to process. Select DtsDebugHost.exe (Managed, x64)
5. in Component project - put a breakpoint in code in Validate or PreExecute or ProcessInput
6. in SSIS project: click Continue
7. you should hit the breakpoint in the Component project

Automate with Post-build event: registering .dll in GAC and copying it in the DTS\PipelineComponents

this worked:
copy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).DLL" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\PipelineComponents\"
gacutil.exe -i "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).DLL"

Supporting different SQL Server platforms:

Support multi-targeting in your custom components

Getting your SSIS custom extensions to be supported by the multi-version support of SSDT 2015 for SQL Server 2016

Using PerformUpgrade



1 comment:

  1. I think there is a need to provide some more information about SSIS,PostgreSQL and some other blog posts as well.

    SSIS Postgresql Read
